Magnus Heegaard - Amazing Danish Optimist Sailor to Compete at Worlds - Despite Serious Illness

Sailing Illustrated's weekly webcast brougt to our attention an amazing Optimist sailor from Denmark, Magnus Heegaard, who is only 12 and was already qualifed for the worlds' team last year.

Magnus didn't go to the 2017 Opti Worlds in Thailand, because his health condition does not allow him for such travel. Magnus is indeed suffering from a condition he contracted at a very early age, and that has as consequence that he only has 20% lung capacity.

Despite this serious health condition, he is one of the top Optimist sailors in Denmark, and he is so at a very early age - as typically, most Optimist sailors participating to the worlds are 13, 14 or 15! Amazing.

In this world of sometimes excessively competitive Optimist sailing, it's too uncommon to encounter such an inspirational story. We really  hope he will do well at the Worlds and that the Cyprus climate will not be too harsh on him.

You are most welcome to donate to his campaign towards his participation to the 2018 Optimist Worlds.

Here is a short video about Magnus

You can find the Sailing Illustrated webcast at this link

Here is the link for donating to his 2018 Optimist Worlds campaign

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