The RS Aero 6 - the Successor of the Laser Radial?

RS Sailing made public the development of an RS Aero 6 on social media.
As discussed in our analysis of the World Sailing Evaluation Panel Report, all the rigs tested in Valencia, at the Sea Trials, were overpowered for women. RS Aero had already a 6 rig in development, but was not allowed to get it considered in Valencia - as per the rules governing the testing.
The RS Aero 6 would be a replacement to the Laser Radial for female single-handed sailing at the Olympics.
See our recommandation here.
See Communiqué by RS Sailing and a picture of a RS Aero with a prototype 6 sail below.
The RS Aero 6 has been discussed and sought by those who feel they too often fall in between the RS Aero 5 and RS Aero 7 rig sizes. Two and a half years ago an RS Aero 6 was initially developed. At that time the Class felt we were too young to be further split by a 4th rig.
RS Sailing are now in the process of further refining an RS Aero 6 rig in anticipation of the World Sailing decision. Should the RS Aero be successful in becoming the Women's Olympic Single-Handed Dinghy then further consultation between RS Sailing and World Sailing is likely to agree that the size of the refined RS Aero 6 is the best fit for the suggested requirement.
Whether the RS Aero 6 becomes Olympic equipment or not, the Class is able to contemplate whether to and how to best adopt it into our Class organised racing. We have the ability to revisit the earlier decision and work out the best way forwards, should we choose to proceed.
This week the UK Class Committee have approved limited testing of the RS Aero 6 at permitted Class events alongside the RS Aero 7 fleet in order to assist the optimal development, show the rig and promote the discussion within the Class. The new rig will be available to view at Lymington this weekend.